New Vehicle Sales Environmental Impact Compensation Program 

Together, Carbone Québec and Dilawri are committed to combating climate change through an innovative, coherent, and effective program for CO₂ emissions offsetting and measures promoting increased biodiversity.

In accordance with the dealership rotation, Dilawri will offer carbon credits and biodiversity credits to offset the first year of use for each new vehicle sold.


We recognize electric vehicle buyers’ commitment of to the environment. To strengthen this effort, we offer the option to add biodiversity credits at the end of their new vehicle's term. This initiative aims to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with the manufacturing of electric car batteries, particularly on natural habitats, thereby enhancing their contribution to the preservation of our planet.


For environmentally conscious consumers who wish to extend their positive impact beyond the first year, it will be possible to continue to compensate for their vehicle’s environmental impacts in subsequent years. By incorporating a compensation option at the end each new vehicle's term, Dilawri not only supports its customers’ environmental commitment but also enables them to actively participate in climate impact reduction efforts.

*Dilawri will offset the first 16,000 km free of charge. 
*​*the term "Forest" refers to an ecosystem planted on non-arable agricultural land by Carbone Québec, primarily consisting of trees and/or shrubs, with the aim of providing various benefits such as watershed protection, recreation, and natural habitat preservation (Source: Forestry Dictionary).